MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Changes for the Better

All bookings (and the provision of training) are subject to Mitsubishi’s then prevailing terms and conditions of sale (copy available upon request), as amended by the below. Please note: Customer’s booking request, once accepted, constitutes a legally binding contract under English law.

The training Registration Form must be signed by an authorised person on behalf of your company, partnership or business.

All prices and costs exclude VAT (or other applicable tax or duty) and are in euro unless otherwise expressly stated.

Failure to make payment in full prior to date of training, save where on credit, may result in loss of customer’s place and/or cancellation of training. Failure to make proper payment of credit account may result in refusal to provide future training. Both the aforesaid are without prejudice to Mitsubishi’s other rights.

Telephone bookings will be treated as provisional only (please confirm in writing).

Provisional bookings will be held for 3 weeks in advance without an official order or payment after which time Mitsubishi may offer places/dates to other customers if the reservation is not secured by the customer.

Mitsubishi reserves the right to cancel or postpone courses in the event of circumstances beyond its reasonable control and/or no suitable trainer being available e.g. due to sudden illness (although Mitsubishi will first endeavour to find a substitute). In such circumstances, Mitsubishi will give as much notice as reasonably possible, and at customer’s request, in alternate to a substitute training date, a full refund will be provided.

Mitsubishi reserves the right to cancel or postpone courses in the event that delegate numbers are below or above the standard limits. Typically, a minimum of 3 and maximum of 10 delegates for courses run at Mitsubishi’s training facilities. In such circumstances, Mitsubishi will give as much notice as reasonably possible, and at customer’s request, in alternate to a substitute training date, a full refund will be provided.

In the event of a request from a customer to transfer training to an alternative date/course within 2 weeks of commencement of course, an administration fee of 25% of the cost of the applicable training shall apply. Any difference in cost of substitute course(s) shall be paid by/refunded to the customer as applicable.

In the event of customer’s cancellation of or non-attendance at a training course, a charge of 50 % of the cost of the applicable training shall apply.

To the fullest extent permitted by (applicable) law, Mitsubishi’s liability shall be limited to the total cost of the relevant training provided.

Customers are reminded that: (i) unless the contrary is specifically agreed, Mitsubishi’s training is general in nature and may not be suitable for all circumstances and requirements encountered by customer; and (ii) that Mitsubishi’s software and applications are continually evolving. Therefore it is important when using any knowledge acquired, that customer first ensures that same remains up-to-date